Sunday, 25 May 2014

"oans, zwoa, g'suffa..."

Oh hello...its been a while.

These photos’s are actually from a couple of weeks ago; Rebecca and I's last Sunday in the city together. 
After six months of living in the mighty Munchen, would you believe Miss Cohen had never stepped foot in the infamous Hofbrauhaus?!...being the good friend I am I stepped up to the mark and offered to make the introduction before her impending departure.

 As spring was attempting to make an appearance I decided to opt for this colourful skirt, but definitely counteracted my efforts with all black e'rything else! My intentions were good! 
For those that don't know Hofbrauhaus it is the royal brewery of Munich, it was founded in 1589 by Wilhelm V, Duke of Bavaria. The atmosphere never leaves you disappointed and if you want a peak (and it is definitely just a peak) into the infamous Oktoberfest I would definitely recommend a visit. With a live band, the beer flowing, brezels and other Bavarian delicacies galore, it generally hits all clichés. On the contrary it is a huge tourist attraction so you are more likely to meet a fellow Brit or alike than a local. But do not dismay as this doesn't deter all locals and you will find those that are there are keen regulars with their very own steins!

The main beers brewed, include a range of wheat ales and lagers with names such as Maibock, Dunkel, and Oktoberfest. However when it was originally founded it only created Brown Beers (which my pops enjoyed when he visited!). Maximilian I, Wilhelm’s son and heir, wasn’t such a fan of Braunbier, which is generally dark and heavy (man beer!). So in the 17th century the brewery’s focus became wheat beer; I didn't want to indulge in a full mass, and as it was the only option given to me, I opted for half a wheat beer...nicht so gut. (Note to self: always commit to a mass) although I still can't get over how strong the beer is here! Guys it is definitely a test of your manhood!
Hofbräuhaus inspired the song "oans, zwoa, g'suffa" The Bavarian dialect for: "one, two, down the hatch" ; definitely one I'll  be taking back to London with me!

Since taking these photographs unfortunately this bag has had a slight revamp - as in, was taken to with a pair of scissors in a unfortunate tale that to be quite honest would only happen to me!...
One evening last week I was in town, when I stopped to listen to quite possibly the best buskers I have ever heard - that's a lie actually no one will ever beat the dude from Solihull that sings 'My brown eyed girl' - anyway off topic! I went to open my bag and give them some money when I noticed my zipper was stuck. After 10 minutes of continuing to watch them in attempt to look less stressy about the fact I couldn't get into my bag I headed to the Tram continuing to struggle en route.  After a further 20 minutes and not been able to access my purse, tram ticket or keys to my flat (!!!), I decided to head home in the knowledge that my flat mate rarely goes out. Unfortunately for me, this was the night (yes you guessed it!) he WASN'T home. I sat on my front step trying and trying to desperately pull the zipper open to no avail. I finally gave up and headed to the local Greek restaurant at the end of my street. Now my German leaves a lot to be desired on most occasions so you can imagine trying to communicate such a ridiculous situation took some time. Until finally I was called to the kitchen where the owner’s wife and I assume mother began the enduring task, attempting with every utensil they had to break into my bag. When we were all close to giving up the owner came in, in what can only be described as full Hercules style and ripped the zipper apart! I made my extremely appreciative thank you’s or should that be Dankes and headed home, probably leaving the entire restaurant with the notion that I was a complete crazy English girl!
 Shockingly I have managed to repair the zip but the lining looks like it has been through the wars!
This weekend has been quite relaxed; I have made a significant dent in the packing tasks in a bid to enjoy the next couple of weeks as much as possible before I head back to the mother land. I want to blog as much as possible between now and the imminent move but to be honest, my life is a little cray cray right now. I already have a couple of posts I want to tick off the list relating to Munich so expect those soon! In the mean time, if anyone has or knows of any nice flats/ houses in London feel free to send them my way!

Photography: Its Cohen!
Cardigan: Mango
Tee: Asos
Necklaces: H&M
Turquoise Birthstone ring: Birthday gift from my Nan
Diamond midi ring: Brandy Melville
Circle ring: Topshop
Skirt: Topshop
Tights: Primark
Socks: H&M
Shoes: Asos
Bag: Topshop

I searched for form and land, for years and years I roamed, I gazed a gazely stare...' - David Bowie

p.s If you made it this far, I have decided to link to the song; if this last little quote happens to be from one. Go ahead, listen to it while you read, you might just get an insight into how I was feeling! Enjoy kids!

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